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Matchbox Empires goes digital!

Writer's picture: Oliver MillinOliver Millin

Hi all! So we recently completed PAX Collaboratory which was held online this year and hosted by TDGA. To participate it was a requirement that all board games were replicated in digital form so I spent a couple of days converting all of the artwork assets and implementing everything into Tabletop Simulator. We played a few games with new people and I was acting as GM on the sidelines which worked very well and the feed back was really good overall. Matchbox Empires is now available to try for free on the steam workshop so all you need to play it is a copy of tabletop simulator and then you are off! In the coming weeks i am planning on hosting a few games and will be announcing them on the boardgame bbq discord channel so hop along if you want to try it! Thanks for reading and catch you next time.

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